This year, I'm determined that my garden is going to finally look like a garden and not a square of grass with some chairs and a table in it. The problem is that I'm not very green fingered and I don't have the time I'd like to devote to making it the peaceful haven that I'd like it to be so the things I do need to be low maintenance and obviously, not cost me a fortune.We started a few weeks ago when we gathered together all of the junk that seems to have accumulated in our garden and took it all to the tip. This left us with just our table and chairs, two benches that I think we need to … [Read more...]
One burn – three hospitals….
Not last Saturday but the Saturday before, we spent most of the night at A&E with Miss Frugal.It wasn't a great experience if I'm honest and although I wasn't going to share it with you (in case you all think I'm NHS bashing, which I'm not), I've just watched a news interview about more proposed cuts to the NHS so I changed my mind and thought I'd tell you about our night in A&E.Miss Frugal burnt herself with her hair curlers on Saturday afternoon and after doing all the right things to treat it at home, we decided that it didn't need medical attention but that we would keep an … [Read more...]
8 sites where you can get free photo prints online….
About three months ago I bought one of those collage photo frames to fill with some of my favourite family photos but I never got around to filling it with photos - mainly because my printer seems to have developed an issue where it prints a line, almost like a smudge, across the middle of my photos for some reason when I'm using photo paper.The only photo I have in there at the moment is one of me with my Mam and Dad from when I was about four....I was considering popping to Tesco or Asda and printing some photos out there using one of those instant photo printing machines but I … [Read more...]
What we’re eating this week {01 May 2017}….
I haven't shared a weekly meal plan on here for ages now, have I?I started posting them over on my meal planning blog each week but even that kind of gradually dropped off as life got too busy over the last few months to do anything but quickly scribble my plans on the back of an envelope in the 10 minutes before we went shopping.That 'method' of meal planning, although better than not meal planning at all, isn't great for us as I tend to stick to the same few meals when I do it that way simply because I know they're easy to shop for and easy to cook. This means we get bored with what … [Read more...]
Homemade banana bread with cinnamon drizzle….
This homemade banana bread with cinnamon drizzle is amazing!Something odd happened on Easter Sunday in our house!I was in the kitchen cooking the Sunday Dinner and baking banana bread with some bananas that were just about to turn whilst managing an argument between the kids about who could spin something the fastest when Mr Frugal offered to take over the banana bread making.This is a man who bakes once a year on Christmas Eve with the kids to keep them occupied while I have some peace on what's usually a very busy day so you can imagine my surprise when he made the offer, … [Read more...]
Do Fidget Spinners and Fidget Cubes really work?
Fidget spinners and fidget cubes are the new craze that's sweeping through the nation (or at least through our little seaside town anyway) and I must admit that they're a craze I actually like. What's a fidget spinner? In case you don't know what a fidget spinner is, it's a little plastic toy that's shaped a bit like a propeller which you hold in the centre between your finger and thumb. You start it spinning and the trick is to keep it spinning for as long as you can! They're bright and colourful and are small enough that they fit in your pocket so Master Frugal, who is fidget spinner … [Read more...]
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