I've just been sitting down with my Kindle and a chai latte reflecting on how lovely and calm today has been!In years gone by, today has always been the worst day for the kids going into full on hyper excited mode but today, with the kids aged 11 and 14, I feel like we've turned a Christmas corner.Don't get me wrong, they're still excited and they still want to do Christmas things with me which is lovely but at the same time, they also have their own things that they want to be getting on with and I may have even seen one of them getting a bit of a head start on their homework while … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {23rd December 2016}….
1) The best Christmas present I got last year was my trusty soup maker which I've used at least twice a week since I had it. This year I thought I'd ask Mr Frugal for something else useful so I asked him for a breadmaker as I think that will come in really handy for making dough for pizza dough, doughballs and flatbreads which I've started making more since I've been off work. He went Christmas shopping for it the other day and texted me to tell me he'd found a half price bargain in a shop in our town that was closing down - it had been the display model but he said it was in great condition … [Read more...]
How to make a Christmas Book Paper Tree….
Every since the kids were born we've added to our Christmas book collection and every year, we've looked forward to getting the Christmas decorations down from the loft as soon as it gets to December so we could get the Christmas books out.Over the last few years, the excitement over the Christmas books as dwindled somewhat for the kids and for the last two or three years they've only picked them up to read briefly with my gorgeous little godson when he's popped in to see us. We had a long overdue sort out before Christmas last year though and although we kept a couple of books for toddler … [Read more...]
2 ingredient homemade mod podge (and a quick idea to make cute personalised glasses with it)….
For years I've heard crafters refer to the wonder substance that is mod podge but I never really got what it was other than some sort of amazing substance that sounded expensive and way about my crafting ability.But then a couple of months ago as the leaves were turning from green to beautiful reds and oranges I googled 'how to stick a leaf to a glass jar' with the vague idea of turning a jam jar into a pretty candle holder decorated with the leaves we'd collected.Mod podge was the solution apparently but I really didn't want to buy something that would only be used once if I could … [Read more...]
An Unwanted Christmas Tradition….
Last year we woke up on Christmas morning to find our heating had decided to take some time off over the festive break. ;-)It didn't exactly ruin our Christmas but we did spend a fair amount of it under a pile of blankets on the settee snuggled up together until it was finally fixed a couple of days later.This Christmas, as you might have seen if you follow me on Instagram, we seem to be having similar issues. Our new freezer was delivered yesterday which Mr Frugal tried to move into place in he garage on his own and somehow, something fell and literally smashed our plug socket from … [Read more...]
How to help yourself if you can’t afford to pay the bills….
After my post earlier today, I realised that if any of you were struggling with your finances at this time of year to the point that you're considering taking out a payday loan then you might appreciate a little bit of reassurance that no matter how bad things are, there's nothing that can't be fixed.First of all, take half an hour with a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit and work out what your monthly budget is using my free budget planner, making sure that you are TOTALLY honest with yourself. If you don't include everything then the only person it's going to affect as your monthly … [Read more...]
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