I'm really excited about this week's 5 frugal things post because I'm trying something a little bit different - I'm turning it into a weekly linky with the lovely Emma and Becky. We're all going to share our five frugal things each Friday the way I always have done but we're also going to ask you to link up your frugal and thrifty posts too.I'll share a bit more of that at the end of the post if you're interested in joining in but for now, let's get back to business with the five fabulously frugal things I've done this week....1) I got some great reduced fruit and veg at the … [Read more...]
What do you enjoy most about the Summer
If someone asked me that then I'd say the time we spend outdoors together as a family but actually, I could probably say something similar about Autumn. And Winter. And definitely about Spring. To us, it doesn't matter what the weather's like outside - if it's hot we'll slap on the sun tan lotion, if it's raining we'll pop a jacket and wellies on and if it's cold then outcome the hats and gloves.This week I've seen lots of people in my timeline on Facebook and Twitter saying how sad they are that Summer's over and how much they're going to miss the kids now they're back at school so I … [Read more...]
Intentional Spending – Learn to Truly Choose Happiness….
Have you heard of Intentional Spending before?Until recently, I’d never actually heard the phrase intentional spending but even without hearing it, it’s been something I’ve done ever since we started on our frugal journey.If you don't know what intentional spending is then I'll give you a quick heads up - it basically means to spend money on the things that make you happy and leave you feeling fulfilled. You can cut down on one area of spending to give you more money to spend in another area of your life.Like many of us, I try to live frugally to save money but my reason for … [Read more...]
Camping for beginners – our experience and a free camping checklist….
The title of this post really should read - Camping for beginners - our experience and a free camping checking list so you remember everything we forgot.... Apparently that's too long for Google though so you got the shortened version instead. ;-)We're not experienced campers and weren't particularly well prepared for our camping trip a few weeks ago so after I came back, I decided to write a list of everything we took that was worth taking (we took a lot). everything we should have taken that we needed (also a lot of things) so that our next camping trip is a little easier.I know … [Read more...]
Getting married at Gretna Green – how to organise a wedding on a budget….
I'm pretty sure I've shared my wedding on a budget story with you before but I've just been going through my boxes of family photos and it made me feel all warm and fluffy so I thought I'd share with you today how we planned our wedding on a super tight budget and hopefully you'll agree that you don't need to spend a fortune on a wedding to have a long lasting and happy marriage.We didn't really plan on getting married when we did to be honest although we were engaged and we did have plans for a slightly larger wedding somewhere down the line. At the time, we'd been together almost five … [Read more...]
Marvellous Meatball Marinara….
One of my missions for this month is to try and use up some of the food in the freezer as my lack of meal planning recently has meant that a lot of the bargains I've been buying with good intentions from the reduced section in the supermarket have been going straight in the freezer and simply staying there. This means I have a freezer full of food and not much room left for any more bargains!I spotted a couple of packets of sausages in there along with a big batch of my homemade tomato sauce so I thought I'd have a go at making meatball marinara for tea yesterday afternoon. I'm not usually a … [Read more...]
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