Miss Frugal's school teach some areas of the maths curriculum electronically - meaning that they assign the pupils work to do on a laptop and the children do the lesson on the laptop (both at school or at home) and then complete a test on the module which they have to get a set score in order to move on.Whilst at school they can ask the teacher to clarify what they don't understand but for modules set as homework (1-2 a week) it's not so easy as the work has to be completed to ensure that the homework shows as done (detentions are given if not) but it's quite hard for some children to pick … [Read more...]
30 Ways to Make Money….
One of the most popular posts on my blog has always been my 50 ways to save money post and I love some of the lovely emails that you guys have sent me after you've read it and started to implement some of the ways to save into your lives.This morning, as I'm trying to sort some things out for a car boot sale this weekend, it occurred to me that I've never shared all my posts about the various different ways to make money as a round up in one post so rather than keep sorting junk as I should be doing, I thought I'd do that instead. ;-)I'm pretty sure it's not going to be as impressive … [Read more...]
Delicious slow cooker gammon cooked in Dr Pepper….
Last week we managed to pick up a good sized gammon joint reduced to £2.56 when we popped into Tesco to see if we could find any bargains. Our local Tesco is a funny one as the best bargains are around about 5pm and if you go much later then there's nothing left at all other than limp looking salad usually.Since it was so cheap, we decided that we would have a go at something we'd been wanting to try for a while - gammon cooked in Dr Pepper! We'd been put off making it in the past by the thought of wasting a good gammon joint if we didn't like the results but seeing as the joint had been … [Read more...]
Free WiFi password printable….
I've lost count of the number of times in the last month that someone has asked me what our wifi password is so this morning, after I was asked the question again, I decided to make a little wifi password printable to share our wifi password with any guests.It's the kids friends who mainly ask me and I have no problem sharing it with them as it means that they can YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram to their heart's content without worrying about using all their data.All I did was copy a slogan from a t-shirt I saw recently (no idea where it was from as it was being worn be someone I … [Read more...]
How to save BIG on your grocery shopping….
Let me just say straight away that this isn't a review. Or rather it is a review but one that I'm writing because I placed an order myself with Approved Food and I was so impressed with what I got for my money that I wanted to share it with you guys too. Some of the links I've included are affiliate links though which means that if you do buy something, you'll pay exactly the same but I might also get something too. Thanks. ;-)I'm not sure if you've heard of Approved Food before so before I go any further, I'll tell you a little bit about them and why they can save you so much money on … [Read more...]
13 clever ways to help your child develop a healthy attitude to money….
We've all heard the saying that 'Money won't buy you happiness' and although I completely agree with that, I also can't deny that having money certainly makes like a lot easier! For that reason, I want my children to leave home (not yet but one day ;-)) with a healthy attitude to money and to be able to budget and save and do all the grown up money stuff that it took me years to figure out after I left home.As I was trying to list some of the things I do to with my two to help them learn about money, I actually realised that I do more than I thought I did and I bet you're the same - some … [Read more...]
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