This is a special edition of 5 frugal things because it's coming to you live (ish) from the beach where Miss Frugal and I are currently sunning ourselves on holiday....Holidays are certainly not moneysaving but there are lots of ways to book, pay and plan your holiday before you go that will save you some money so I thought today I'd just share with you some of the ways that we've saved money on our holiday.(I'm not even going to count the shopping around that I did to make sure we had the best deals for the holiday itself, for our travel insurance and for our foreign currency.)1) … [Read more...]
How I got on with my Springtime resolution
At the start of the month I shared with you my Springtime resolution, which was to lead a healthier lifestyle and today I wanted to give you an update on how the month has gone.I've lost a total of 6lb in April so far which is brilliant, even though it's a little less than I had hoped for as I was aiming for a steady 2lbs a week. I'm really pleased with the weight that I have lost since I started on Slimming World a few months back - especially as the clothes I've just bought in the sales are now a size smaller than I would have bought before.It's a huge boost trying on clothes in a … [Read more...]
Small things that make me smile {April 2016}….
This is the second time I've started to write this post because the first time around went into a fair amount of detail about something that's been worrying me for a few months and turned into a rant about my doctors. I think I was up to about 700 words before I got to the happy part so I deleted it and I'm going to give you the much abbreviated version instead.Basically, a spot appeared on my arm which wouldn't go away started to look crusty. I stupidly Googled 'crusty spot on arm' and you can imagine what comes up. The doctor told me that he couldn't tell what it is but it should be … [Read more...]
Five habits that are leaving you with no money at the end of the month….
Do you ever find that you have no money left at the end of the month? If so, you're not the only one!But more often than not, the reason for this isn't because you can't afford to pay your bills or that you don't have enough money coming in. It's because you have a few bad habits that are making it hard for you to stick to your budget.Let;s ha a look at a few of them, Starting with the most important one of all.... Not knowing what your monthly budget actually is! It’s surprising how many people don’t have a monthly budget at all let alone reassess it on a monthly basis to allow … [Read more...]
Can a book really change your life?
Before I got my Kindle, I used to love nothing more than wandering around the local charity shops looking for new (to me) books to read. I'd read them and then hang on to the books I loved because I would often re-read favourite books. The problem was that my favourite books pile ended up overtaking the bookshelf and eventually a big corner of the garage too.So when Mr Frugal presented me with a Kindle as a gift one day, I was a little bit disappointed that he'd wasted his money as I knew I'd never be able to enjoy reading a book on it. He'd bought me it almost as soon as it came out, more … [Read more...]
WWE Live Wrestlemania Revenge 2016….
Last Wednesday we went along to the Newcastle Metro Radio Arena to watch the Newcastle leg of the current WWE Live Wrestlemania Revenge tour and we had a brilliant night!I don’t know what it is about the wrestling because personally, I don’t watch it on TV and I’m not interested in watching it at any other time but watching it live is a whole other matter. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that the WWE superstars are right there in front of me or if it’s the electric atmosphere that the crowd create or even the sheer amazement on Master Frugal’s face when the wrestlers are introduced that … [Read more...]
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