Today is the 10th anniversary of the day I lost the best person I've ever known and although I wasn't sure what to do to mark the occasion, I do know that I need to do something so I'm starting with this....Dear Mum,You were the person who taught me to be who I am today and I miss you.I miss you every day and I still get angry sometimes that you were taken away from me before I was ready.I wasn't ready to be a Mum on my own without you there to help me through the hard times and share the many happy times with me.You should have been here to see the beautiful people that … [Read more...]
12 things you need to get rid of (and how to do it the easy way)….
No-one likes a cluttered house (or at least no-one I know does) and with the arrival of the Christmas decorations in a couple of weeks followed by any Christmas presents you'll be getting, now's a great time to have bit of a de-clutter.1. Children's artwork - If you''re a hoarder of your children's works of art then have a look here for my super easy (and free) solution to getting rid of the actual pieces of paper whilst actually keeping the art itself.2. Old Magazines - Check your magazine rack and anywhere else that you might hoard old magazines and spend a pleasant hour flicking … [Read more...]
This week’s meal plan {23rd November 2015}….
It's been a few weeks since I shared our weekly meal plan on here so I thought I'd share with you what we're going to be eating next week.... We're pretty much starting from scratch this week as far as the food we have in as the last couple of weeks have been all about using up everything we've accumulated in the cupboards and the freezer. We try and have a week like that every few months as the reduced bargains that I get from the shop can easily accumulate along with the leftovers that I freeze.I'm going to try and get back in to the habit of using the freezer in the … [Read more...]
Days Out – Carlisle Castle….
A couple of week's ago, on Remembrance Sunday, we visited Carlisle Castle which in hindsight probably wasn't the greatest of days to go - no because of the Remembrance parade as that was lovely to see in such close quarters but because the weather was awful.It was freezing cold and drizzling the whole time we were there and although we're not averse to the odd bit of bad weather on our days out, the fact it was bad the whole time we were there did put a bit of a dampener on the afternoon!If you've never been to Carlisle Caste, this is what the Englush Heritage website says about … [Read more...]
Five Frugal things I’ve done this week to save money {20th November 2015}….
1. We don't go to the chip shop very often but when we do go Miss Frugal loves the curry sauce from there, in fact the curry sauce is probably the only reason she likes having a cheeky chippy tea. When I was shopping last week I found some Bisto curry sauce granules that I just have to add boiling water to and chip shop style curry sauce appears. ;-) And before you say it, I know it's filled with crap but she'd be having it from the chip shop at a pound a time and this only costs 99p for 10 portions. It has a long sell by date so it'll last for lots of chippy tea treats to come!2. … [Read more...]
How to answer the ‘Is Santa Real’ question (and how not to)….
Over the years my two have asked me many, many times if Santa was really real and I've always given them the answers I think they wanted and needed to hear.Miss Frugal for example stopped believing years ago, before most of her friends did, and although I tried to tell her otherwise, she just knew that Santa wasn't real. She's a very logical child and lots of things just didn't make sense to her so we had the talk about that quite early on.It didn't stop Christmas being magical for her though and she became my helper to keep the Santa magic alive for Master Frugal.And then last … [Read more...]
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