What on earth did we do before the internet came along?I hope I'm not alone in saying this but I would be lost without access to the internet, I really would be!I use it for all sorts of things - from answering those random questions that pop into my head during the day to finding a recipe for tea using only what we have in the cupboard and from helping the kids with their homework to keeping up with friends, old and new.One of the big things I use the internet for is to help me save money on an almost daily basis because it gives me access to so much information, so many ideas on … [Read more...]
Days out: RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre….
Last Summer we spent a lovely afternoon looking around the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre in Lincolnshire but I just realised that I never got around to sharing it with you all so I'm putting that right today!The RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Visitor Centre houses a Lancaster Bomber (one of the only two left in the world in working order), a Douglas Dakota, six spitfires, two hurricanes and two chipmunks (not the furry variety). Most of this goes over my head but the men of the family were extremely excited at the prospect of being in close proximity to these … [Read more...]
6 things you should say to your children EVERY day….
I tell my children that I love them every single day and I can't imagine not saying these three words to them or ever not hearing them say it back to me.But I Love You isn't the only phrase than I make sure that I say to them every day....I love you! I want them to feel safe and loved and although words aren't as important as actions, they're a pretty good start! How was your day? I want to share in their lives as they grow up and I like knowing what they've been up to. We usually talk about our days while we're having tea each night and usually share the best thing that's … [Read more...]
Five Frugal things I’ve done this week to save money {18th September 2015}….
Five frugal things I've done this week: 1. Don't judge me for this one! At our local Asda I saw someone get in their car and drive away leaving their trolley in the next car parking space so I did the good citizen thing and took the trolley back to the trolley bay. Obviously my intention was to prevent the trolley from rolling away and hitting a car and had nothing to do with the fact that there was a pound coin in there waiting to be claimed. ;-)2. I bought a new table and chairs, well not exactly new but new to us. I haven't got it set up yet properly but here's the photo … [Read more...]
#ThriftyThursday – How to make a homemade photo booth…..
We had a last minute 13th Birthday party for Miss Frugal last weekend and in true Miss Frugal style, she decided on a beach party theme (despite the fact that rain was forecast) and invited 12 of her friends to come round promising an afternoon of beach party fun.I'll be writing a little bit more about the party at some point but while we were planning it, Miss Frugal jokingly suggested that we hire a photo booth as she and her friends are keen instagrammers and all love a good selfie!Obviously that's waaaaay outside my budget so I decided to go with a homemade version which is what … [Read more...]
A controversial get ready for Christmas post…. (Yes,I know it’s only just September but I think you should read this anyway)
I am fully aware that you hate me right now and that your finger is hovering over the X in the corner of your screen but I have some very good reasons for using the dreaded C word so early in the year.Shall I tell you my reasons why?It's because for those people who are paid monthly, Christmas is now only four paydays away and that's if you're counting December payday which is usually right before Christmas and has to last you until payday in January. That means that in reality, you only have three paydays left until Christmas.Are you still with me?There's also the fact that … [Read more...]
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