Ten years ago, when I woke up on September the 4th 2004, I knew it wasn't going to be a great day.I had that feeling, you know the one you get when you know something bad is going to happen.Considering my big brother was very poorly in a local hospice, I suppose I didn't really need psychic powers to tell me it wasn't going to be a good day, did I? I knew what was coming because the day before I'd sneaked back into his room to say goodbye, even though he was unconscious.I told him my secret and left.So when the phone rang the next night, I stared at it instead of … [Read more...]
Beating the back to school blues….
After a Summer filled with adventures and family fun I hate the thought that it's over already although as I do every September, I welcome the return of some sort of routine in our lives.I don't know about your family but last year seemed as though the start of September brought with it a change in the kids, they went from being filled with energy and wanting to be outside as much as possible to just wanting to stay in and watch TV or play on the XBox when they got home from school. It wasn't just them though, a similar thing happened to me as well and looking back, I think I felt as … [Read more...]
September’s best Pound shop bargains….
We have three different pound shops in the town where we live and between them there can be some fantastic bargains if you look carefully enough.I've decided to start a monthly feature to share some of our favourite pound shop bargains, starting this month with some of the great make up bargains that we've found in the last few weeks....First up is the Rimmel London Apocalips Lip Lacquer which sells on the Boots website for £6.49. The one we chose was quite red in colour although there was a pinker shade there too.Next up is the L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow which is selling … [Read more...]
How to create an Awesome homework space (on a budget)….
Post updated: 16/07/15I wrote this post last year originally but I wanted to share it again today for a few reasons.Firstly, we've made a homework space for Master Frugal too that I wanted to update my post to include that and secondly because after a year of secondary school with Miss Frugal, I wanted to reiterate just how important it is that children have a space to do their homework and this seemed like as good a place as any to do that!So, here we go - How to create an Awesome homework space (on a budget).... (again)The older children get, the more homework they'll … [Read more...]
The Summer of Independence….
This Summer has been the Summer of independence as far as my children have been concerned - they're 11 (almost 12) and 9 now so I've had to find the line between letting them have too much freedom and not allowing them enough!It certainly hasn’t been easy and if I'm honest there's been plenty of times when I've just wanted to keep them at home with me where I know exactly where they are and what they're doing.I started introducing a little more freedom a few months ago by letting them go swimming on their own at the local swimming baths. Don't tell anyone but the first time I let … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Print out your memories….
I've said before (lots of times I imagine) that I have a bit of a photo obsession and that I have thousands upon thousands of photos documenting our family life. They're all stored safely on an external hard drive and every now and again, I sit and look through them, often with the kids looking over my shoulder ooohing and aaahing as they see their favourite memories pop up on my laptop screen.Don't get me wrong, it's great to have these photos stored in a safe place but sometimes, I miss the old photo albums that we had when I was little, like the ones my Dad gave me after my Mam died. … [Read more...]
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