Life with a nine year old isn't always easy - especially not when the nine year old in question is the most headstrong, independent and stubborn child you could imagine. I think we've entered the teenage hormone stage a few years early with Miss Frugal judging by the last few weeks and I'm struggling a little with how to cope with it to avoid the house becoming a battle ground. She's always been stubborn and fiercely independent but lately, she's developed a rather large attitude as well. She isn't a demanding child but when she wants something that she can't have, she turns into a complete … [Read more...]
Family Friendly Frugal Meals – Bargain week….
It's been a few weeks since I've actually sat and typed up our weekly menu but I have been sticking to my meal planning (mostly) and using my meal planning wall planner ;-)We're on countdown to our holidays (6 weeks to go) so I'm going to be extra frugal this week and try and have another 'shopping from our cupboards' week which is even easier than usual thanks to the brilliant bargains I've got from the reduced section in our supermarket lately!In one shopping trip, I got two packs of chicken fillets for 60p each, 2 haddock fillets for 30p, 2 river cobbler fillets for 30p and some … [Read more...]
Telling tales or doing the right thing….
I'm after some help and advice from you all tonight - How do you teach your children the difference between telling tales and telling a grown up something important?My children on the whole are very close and up until recently they could quite happily spend the afternoon playing happily together. Lately, they've been having more and more petty little squabbles and some of the tales they tell on each other are ridiculous.... He stuck his tongue out at me!She rolled her eyes at me!He wrote in my notebook!She added a piece of Lego to the Lego house I'm building!He keeps … [Read more...]
Our night with JLS….
Last Friday, the day of the long awaited JLS concert finally arrived. I think I was more excited than she was, obviously because I couldn't wait to see her face when she saw her favourite group on stage, nothing to do with the little schoolgirl crush that I may possibly have on Marvin (who is very lovely)! After spending a very un-frugal amount at the merchandise stand, Miss Frugal apparently couldn't wait a second longer to go and find our seats so we ended up being practically the first people sat down....We 'bumped' into the support act, NVS, on one of our many trips to the … [Read more...]
Quick Craft – Make an Olympic Trophy….
A couple of years ago we made some trophies out of a toilet roll, a piece or card and some shiny gold paint and today, when I read that Maggy from RedTedArt was having a bit of an Olympic Get Crafty, I decided to dust off our trophy post and share it with you again. After all, you never know when you're going to need to make a trophy at short notice, especially during the Olympics ;-)For each trophy you need two pieces of card cut out in the shape of a trophy, just a bit bigger than your toilet roll. I’m really not very arty but I managed to make one and then used it as a template for … [Read more...]
Our First Broken Heart….
Last week Master Frugal came rushing out of school and announced to us that he was in love and had asked his new girlfriend to marry him. She accepted even though another boy in their class also popped the question the same day as she said liked how Master Frugal didn't cry when he fell over at playtime.They've had so much fun together this week according to Master Frugal and he was looking forward to celebrating their one week anniversary today (he'd even written her a love letter).The only problem was that between last night when she'd told him that she loved him and first thing … [Read more...]
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