Take one beautiful, blue sky day.... ....Add one pair of very dirty feet.... ....The result is one tired but very happy little boy. … [Read more...]
By Cassandra
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Living a Fabulously Frugal Family Life
By Cassandra
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Take one beautiful, blue sky day.... ....Add one pair of very dirty feet.... ....The result is one tired but very happy little boy. … [Read more...]
By Cassandra
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Last Sunday, when the sun shined for the first time in a week, we took the kidsand one of Miss Frugal's friends to Lightwater Valley for the day and had a fantastic time. Unlike previous visits to theme parks, Miss Frugal wanted to go on everything which is fantastic because I don't really do rides and Master Frugal certainly doesn't so now she can go on the big rides with her dad while we get to watch them squealing their way round them all. Her friend bless her didn't really like the big rides but she was determined to try everything and I have some brilliant photos of her face on some of … [Read more...]
By Cassandra
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This has got to the best quote ever from Master Frugal to his sister:Have my ears got bigger or has your mouth just got louder? … [Read more...]
By Cassandra
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I have a bit of a dilemma. Miss Frugal has a friend who lives on the same street as us but doesn't go to the same school (thankfully), since the start of the school holidays they've been playing together more than usual. The problem is, I really don't like this little girl and I would much prefer that they didn't play together as much. I know that not all children will behave as I expect my two to behave but I can't stand it when children lie or when they bully others and this little girl does both. From what I can tell, she's lovely most of the time but can be quite mean and has … [Read more...]
By Cassandra
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By Magic Mummy
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We love making colourful crayon cakes, they're fun to make and when they're done, they're even more fun to draw with. To make your own crayon cakes, arrange broken crayons in some paper cake cases like we've done below (we tend t use cheap silicone cases and keep some just for this but paper works just as well). If you're feeling particularly creative you can arrange them in to coordinating colour schemes, last time we made these, Miss Frugal made one using a heart shaped silicone mould case and just pink and red crayon bits which was gorgeous and almost too pretty to draw with.If … [Read more...]