I can't believe Master Frugal is six this month, it only seems like yesterday that I was strapping him into his car seat ready to bring him home from hospital and now he's diving in the car with his DSi in one hand and his Ben 10 alien in the other!Like any typical six year old, he's got high hopes for his birthday and can't decide whether to have a party at the Wacky Warehouse for 20 friends (yeay) or one at home for six friends (double yeay). Personally, I much prefer the party at home idea but I know he'd struggle narrowing it down to six friends so it looks like we're going to end up … [Read more...]
Frugal Flylady….
Does anyone else feel like the year's passing them by? It only seems like yesterday we were unwrapping Christmas presents and eating turkey and now it's Spring with Easter just round the corner!As much as I don't like the fact that the year is going so fact, I do love that it's Spring though and not because of the cute lambs or the fact that flowers are starting to bloom or even that you can hear the birds singing again outside - it's actually because I love a good Spring Clean (I know, how sad is that?)I'm going to try out the Flylady system for my Spring Clean this year and … [Read more...]
How to find Bargains on Ebay….
I've found some lovely bargains this week so I thought I'd join in with the brilliant Magpie Monday and share them with you and while I'm here, I'll share my secret to finding bargains on Ebay.First, the bargains:I love this bookcase, ever since we moved in to this house I've been looking for a bookcase that would fit in the gap on our landing so the kids could put their shared books, DVD's and games on. I've finally managed to find this lovely bookcase for a bargain £8.00 on Ebay. The cut out hearts on the bottom shelf are repeated on the other shelves and down the side too. The … [Read more...]
Silent Sunday – It’s All About Me….
Dear Children….
When I read that the Friday Club prompt for this week was to share five things I want my children to know about me, I thought I might give this one a miss because I really couldn't think of five things that they don't already know. Then, a post I read over at Typecast about making memories for our children made me think about what my first memory was which made me realise that my memories aren't written down anywhere. My children and their children will be able to look back at my blog and remember lots of the fun and special moments we had together but I can't do that, I just have whats … [Read more...]
What’s wrong with this picture….
Take a look at this picture. If you can see what's not right about it, you'll be able to understand why I have just walked around Tesco with people staring at me and sniggering! … [Read more...]
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