Master Frugal: I know how babies are made mam. Me: Do you? Master Frugal: Yes, the Daddy falls in love with Mammy when they go to bed and then he puts a baby in her tummy. Me (breathing a sign of relief that the S word wasn't mentioned): Aaaw Miss Frugal (from the next room): Yeah but they've got to have sex first though you know! … [Read more...]
Silent Sunday – Ouch
Get Crafty – Love Bugs….
I love this time of year, I think it's because there's hearts, flowers and cute teddies everywhere you look and even people who don't usually have a romantic bone in their body (Yes, I'm talking about you Mr Frugal) make an effort to show how much they love you (hint, hint). In anticipation of the fantastic treats I'm going to get this year, I thought I should make something for the kids to give to Mr Frugal on Valentines day, he's not usually a hearts and flowers kind of guy so we thought we'd make some pom pom Love Bugs and they actually turned out quite well so here you go, step by step … [Read more...]
Where it all Began….
A lot of you know that I have a bit of a cook book obsession, even though I rarely use my cook books for anything other than looking at the pretty pictures ;-) I still have the first cook book, I was ever given (well a copy of the same one anyway) and I love it as much now as I did when my Nana gave me her copy when I was ten years old....Be-ro cookbooks have been around since 1923 when the first edition, consisiting if 19 pages was first introduced and to date they've sold over 38million copies and they're up to the 40th edition which is the one I currently have. I had a much … [Read more...]
All Growed Up….
I've just dropped Miss Frugal off at Brownies for the first time. She was a bit nervous about going and she held my hand extra tight at first. Then her eyes lit up as she saw a little girl she knew and she went running off to play without looking back. Master Frugal summed it up perfectly - 'She's all growed up now mam, isn't she?'I've written this as part of this weeks Gallery which is all about children this week. For more information about the Gallery, pop over to Stick Fingers and find out all about it. … [Read more...]
Cooking with Kids – The Results and the Next Challenge….
Thank you so much to those of you who managed to join in the first Cooking with Kids challenge, I was so nervous that no one would join in ;-) As promised, here's a round up of all the yummy looking entries: The lovely NotSoSingleMum made hers with sweet paprika to add a Spanish style twist to hers.... Here's Lil Monkey having fun making his version.... I love MummyMusing's version made by our youngest baker.... Lilly made some fab ones - with extra cheese.... Another young entrant, Freyja made some lovely ones although there were tears when she couldn't join … [Read more...]
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