Thank you to the lovely Nickie over at Typecast for tagging me in the latest meme doing the rounds of the blogosphere - What are you afraid of? This one is ideal for me because I'm a bit of a worrier by nature so I'm afraid of lots of things, most of them irrational. The two that make Mr Frugal laugh are my kitchen cupboard fear and my straight stair phobia so rather than bore you by telling you about my 'normal' fear of spiders (evil creatures), injections (had a bad experience) and rollercoasters (what the point of them) I thought I would tell you about my weird phobias. Before I do … [Read more...]
Mmmm McDonalds….
McDonalds? Do you love it or hate it?I must admit that I'm a fan. Some of my earliest memories are from when I used to go down town every Saturday with my mam and my brother, my mam used to like to trawl the charity shops looking for bargains (she always found them aswell) and by the end of the afternoon me and my brother were sick of following her around and she was tired from all her bargain hunting so we stopped in the newly opened McDonalds for a drink. To this day, the smell of McDonalds reminds me of shopping with my mam ;-)Fast forward 20 (ish) years and McDonalds is now a … [Read more...]
When Life Gives You Lemons – make Lemon Cake….
....Make easy peasy lemon drizzle cake! This is the most delicious cake we've had in a good while and the recipe is so easy to follow.Ingredients for the cake:225g butter or margarine 225g sugar 4 eggs finely grated zest of 2 lemons 225g self-raising flourIngredients for the drizzle topping:the juice of 2 lemons 85g sugarNow I know I say this about everything we make but this really super simple, everything we make is super simple as I'm not in any way culinarily (is that a word?) gifted!First of all pre heat oven to 180 c. Beat together the butter and … [Read more...]
The Gallery….
I'll be honest, this weeks Gallery prompt was my worst nightmare initially, until I read Tara's post about why she had chosen that subject. I hate having my photo taken and I can count on one hand the number of pictures we have of all us together, I'm usually on the other side of the lens, but like Tara says, what if my children look back at the hundreds (probably thousands ;-)) of pictures of their childhood and wonder where I am.They don't look at photo's and say 'Oooh what a horrible photo of mammy' they look at the photo and see the person they love, who loves them more than anything … [Read more...]
Making Memories….
Did you know that it's National Family week between the 31st May and the 6th June? Apparently the average family spends only 49 minutes a day together which is such a shame, I love spending time with the kids, whether it's doing stuff at home, going out somewhere with them or even just snuggling up together on the settee. I'm really looking forward to half term at the end of this month, which cleverly coincides with National Family Week. I should hopefully have some time off work to spend with them so we can do loads of fun stuff together. We've had a chat about what the kids want to … [Read more...]
Insulted by a seven year old….
Miss Frugal - What's your name Mammy?Me - CassMiss Frugal (Pointing to her nose) - What's this?Me - NoseMiss Frugal (holding out her empty hands) - What's in my hands?Me - NothingMiss Frugal (laughing hysterically) - Cass nose nothing! … [Read more...]
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