After reading about English Mum's Cupcake Challenge and looking at the lovely cakes that others had made, I decided that I fancied trying my hand at making some tasty little works of art.However, as usual in the Frugal House, things didn't quite go according to plan. It beats me how everyone makes their cupcake icing look so perfect and why is it when I want my cakes to be quite flat on top they come out huuuuge?We decided to make mini carrot cakes using the recipe that I followed last weekend (here). We didn't have any lemons in so I thought we would use lime for the … [Read more...]
The Contents of My Handbag….
On my travels around Blogland in the last couple of weeks I have read a few posts about the contents of peoples handbags. I think it was a meme that people were getting tagged in but I have decided to jump on in and tag myself lol....This is my handbag, Mr Frugal got it for me for Christmas a few years ago from Next and I used it for a few months and then swapped it for another one that caught my eye (I'm very fickle when it comes to handbags lol). It's been living quite happily under my bed until I rediscovered it a few weeks ago.... I have about ten bags under my bed at the … [Read more...]
Do Little Girls Grow up too Soon….
Right, I apologise in advance as this subject has been blogged about all week but as a mother to a seven year old, very feisty, very independent seven year old little girl,I wanted to add my thoughts to the subject. The 'Do little girls grow up too quickly?' debate seems to stem from those now famous pictures of Katie and Peter's little girl, Princess, wearing false eyelashes and from Suri Cruise being hailed as a mini fashion icon. In my opinion Katie Price has crossed a fine line, not with putting false eyelashes on her daughter but by sharing the pictures on a public domain … [Read more...]
Family Fun Day….
Apparently the frugal kids have BIG plans for this weekend. I always know I'm in trouble when I get up and find them both snuggled together in one of their beds - that means they've been plotting!Today they have decided that they want to go to the pictures, followed by swimming and then do a bit of baking. They also want a Wii tournament and a movie night tonight!I don't mind going to the pictures as Planet 51 is on this morning as one of Cineworlds family films so it'll only cost us a pound each. I don't really fancy swimming as I hate the getting dried bit afterwards, it's … [Read more...]
Every Parents Worst Nightmare – Bullying….
Even before I had children I worried about bullying. In fact all through both pregnancies I had nightmares about it and I never ever wanted to hear that either of my beautiful babies were being bullied.So you can imagine how I felt when Master Frugal came home on Thursday and told me that a little boy (known as Brat here on in) had been told off for bullying him that morning. He said that he was sitting on his chair eating his breakfast when Brat walked right over to him and pushed him off his chair and then shoved him out of the way. He said that the teacher told Brat off but he didn't want … [Read more...]
Homemade Burgers….
We decided to have our homemade burgers tonight instead on Monday as Mr Frugal decided he was starving and fancied a Big Mac. There are stacks of recipes on the internet that use breadcrumbs and eggs and other faffy bits but ours are just basic and easy. We always split 500g of lean beef mince into two bowls because we both make our own. Mr Frugal just squishes (that's the technical term lol) his pile into two burger shapes and sticks them under the grill whereas mine are a bit more technical.I add a chopped chilli and two chopped garlic cloves to my mince and squish my mix together. As I … [Read more...]
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