It’s OK, I’m not going to start posting about Slimming World every day but after my post yesterday, I did want to share with you my secret to perfect Slimming World Chips because they’re great for everyone, not just people on Slimming World because they’re healthy to make and delicious to eat.
I don’t peel my potatoes when I make Slimming World chips because (a) I’m lazy, (b) they taste nicer with the skin on and (c) there’s loads of good stuff in the skin. I just give them a quick rinse under a cold tap and then cut them up into chip shapes.
Next, I just pop them in a pan of salted boiling water and par boil them for about five minutes.
After five minutes I drain the pan of all the water and leave the potatoes to cool a little bit. This is the key to making the chips crispy because by letting them cool, you’re also getting rid of as much moisture as possible. You could speed this up by giving them a good dab with some kitchen roll if you don’t have time to leave them.
After they’ve cooled for about half an hour I give them a good shake about it the pan to rough them up a bit and then I spray them with Frylight and sprinkle some salt on them. I repeat the process – shake, spray, sprinkle – once more to ensure that they’re fully coated and then I pop them on a baking tray.
I put them in the oven at about 200 c for around 25-30 minutes but I check on them and give them a jiggle about at 10, 20 and 25 minutes to get them crispy all around.
The homemade chunky tomato ketchup is actually just my lovely homemade tomato sauce which I freeze in ice cube trays to make smaller portions of chunky syn free tomato ketchup.
I’m drooling right now as I have some ready for my tea tonight to go with some homemade chilli beef burgers!
What would you eat yours with?
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