I think I’m probably one of the last people to discover Pinterest. I should rephrase that actually because I knew that Pinterest existed and I even set up an account for myself but it’s only been in the last month or so that I’ve discovered just how useful and fun it actually is.
For those of you who don’t know,Pinterest is kind of like an online scrap book or mood board. You can set up different boards and you then ‘pin’ images that you find around the internet to those boards. I have about twenty boards covering everything from moneysaving, crafts, food, cakes and inspiration for what I want to do around the house. You can also repin other peoples pins on to your own boards.
I’m not sure if I explained that very well but you’ll soon get the hand of it if you pop over and have a play.
My favourite board is my ‘All things thrifty, frugal and moneysaving’ board which is where I share lots of my own posts as well as lots of posts and pins from other bloggers about saving money in one way or another. It’s a great round up of moneysaving ideas from around the internet.
And if you do sign up and want someone else new to follow, Katy from Modern Mummy will be posting all about her Weddings board tomorrow so pop over and have a read about why she loves Pinterest too.
You can sign up here if you want to try it for yourself.