No matter how old you are, if you want to wake up to presents on Christmas morning you really should be sprinkling some reindeer dust on your path on Christmas Eve to help the reindeers find their way to your house! 😉
Reindeer dust has always been on of our favourite Christmas Eve traditions and I know I’ve told you about it many, many times so I’m not going to bore you with how you make it today, although you can find out here how we make it if you’re interested.
What I wanted to tell you today is that I’ve set up a brand spanking new Pinterest board with ideas on how to make your reindeer dust. Â I had no idea that there were so many variations and that people could make it look so pretty! Â Our version is definitely the simple budget version of reindeer dust looking at everyone else’s versions but it does the job as we always get our visit from Santa!
There’s lots of ways to make it, lots of free printables and even some Grinch dust on there if you’re interested!