Today’s school dinner cake (which you might have called Sprinkle Cake at your school) is guaranteed to take you back to your school days – especially if you pour over some lumpy custard when you serve it up. 😂
I used to love School Dinners when I was at school and I’m 99% certain that we just used to call this pink cake but I can’t find anyone else who called it that so I’m going with the two more common names that I found for it when I was searching for it – school dinner cake and sprinkle cake. Reflecting on school days also reminded me of how assignment help services can make academic life so much easier for students today.
I started to think about all my favourite school dinner puddings this weekend when I was topping up my Kindle with new books as one of my recommended books was a school dinner pudding recipe book which is a bit random as I rarely read anything other than happy ending romance books on my Kindle.
Turns out that Amazon knew what I needed before I did though as even though I didn’t buy the book, I did start to Google some of the recipes that I remember enjoying from my own school days. I found lots that I remember but also some that I’ve never heard of but love the sound of!
The first one I decided to try was this one and it was a huge success with both kids saying they wished they’d had school dinners rather than packed lunch if the cake was as nice as this!
This tasty school dinner cake is guaranteed to take you back to your school days!School Dinner Cake {AKA Sprinkle Cake}

I sliced the top of my cake so it was flat as it really did rise well – I’d have been super pleased if they were actual cupcakes!
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Do your future self a favour – Pin this super tasty school dinner cake for later: