The week before Christmas is a time that I find hard to be frugal and not be tempted by all the goodies in the shops that I know I really don't need and I do buy things that I wouldn't normally buy - it is Christmas after all....1. I tried to make some wall art for an extra Christmas surprise for Miss Frugal's little quote wall in her bedroom and it turned out really well - the only problem was that she came downstairs as I was finishing it off and fell in love with it so she ended up taking it back upstairs with her!The 'Throw Kindness Like Confetti' picture image was … [Read more...]
Search Results for: pre loved
An amazing homemade gift – Happiness in a bag {With a free printable label}….
I saw this idea recently when someone bought a friend at work something similar for her Birthday and it was so sweet that I decided to try and make something similar for Miss Frugal for Christmas.It's a a Bag of Happiness and it's filled with little things that are symbolic of what you want them to represent- here's what's in the bag I've made Miss Frugal....A plaster to make it better when you hurt (I just used a cute plaster I had in the first aid box) A heart so you'll know how loved you are (You could use a loveheart sweet but I just made mine out of a shiny pipe-cleaner) A … [Read more...]
Days Out – Carlisle Castle….
A couple of week's ago, on Remembrance Sunday, we visited Carlisle Castle which in hindsight probably wasn't the greatest of days to go - no because of the Remembrance parade as that was lovely to see in such close quarters but because the weather was awful.It was freezing cold and drizzling the whole time we were there and although we're not averse to the odd bit of bad weather on our days out, the fact it was bad the whole time we were there did put a bit of a dampener on the afternoon!If you've never been to Carlisle Caste, this is what the Englush Heritage website says about … [Read more...]
Homemade Rapidough Style Game!….
Last Christmas I went to my friends house for a bit of a girls night and we had a lovely home-cooked meal, drank a little wine, did some Christmas crafts and then played board games for the rest of the night!I know, how rock and roll am I?One of the games we played was Rapidough and I loved it - as I was playing it, I was thinking how I absolutely HAD to go out and buy this for us to play as a family.The next morning however, when I was trying to describe how much fun it was to the kids, they just gave me a look and said it sounded a bit babyish! I tried to talk them round but … [Read more...]
Five UN-Frugal things I’ve done this week {9th October 2015}….
Every week I tell you about five frugal things I've done to save some money and whilst some things might not be as frugal as others, everything I share is something that I think is frugal or thrifty for one reason or another.But I wanted to do something a bit different this week, I wanted to share some things I've done that aren't very frugal at all - not because I haven't done anything frugal but because I don't want you to think that I'm some sort of frugal wonder-woman who excels in all areas of frugal-ness (is that even a word).1. I bought a packet of Lemsips - … [Read more...]
6 things you should say to your children EVERY day….
I tell my children that I love them every single day and I can't imagine not saying these three words to them or ever not hearing them say it back to me.But I Love You isn't the only phrase than I make sure that I say to them every day....I love you! I want them to feel safe and loved and although words aren't as important as actions, they're a pretty good start! How was your day? I want to share in their lives as they grow up and I like knowing what they've been up to. We usually talk about our days while we're having tea each night and usually share the best thing that's … [Read more...]
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