It's no secret that Miss Frugal is a big One Direction fan - we've been to the concert, seen the movie, bought the (very expensive) T-shirt, paid for the albums and spent pocket money on all sorts of different One Direction memorabilia over the last year or so.So when I saw there was a One Direction perfume being released, I knew she'd be desperate to add a bottle to her growing One Direction collection. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't what we found after following the trail of One Direction cutouts through the shop. I was pleasantly surprised by the … [Read more...]
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That’s not what I asked for….
Men (and by men, I mean one man specifically)!Today my beloved husband took Master Frugal to the hairdressers for his back to school trim. I'm pretty sure that I didn't mention the words 'scalp him', skin head or bald when I was describing what sort of cut we usually got which is why I was a little surprised to see this when I got home from work this afternoon....And no, that's not a police mug shot, it's my lovely little boy with a lot less hair than he started the day with.Mr Frugal's explanation? That's not what I asked for! Oh well that's OK then ;-)After I'd … [Read more...]
How to keep children entertained on long car journeys….
A few weeks ago, we went on a car journey - A very long car journey which was made even longer by the fact that the roads were very busy.Despite this, we arrived at our destination a good seven and a half hours after setting off without hearing the words I'm bored more than once or twice and I'm almost positive that you want to know what my secret is, don't you?Well....First of all, each child had their own car bag (we used the Content and Calm tray kits that we were sent a while ago) which I packed for them with the following things:A reading book. A notebook - I printed … [Read more...]
#SummerofFrugalFun – Water Play….
So, the day's finally arrived.Our school broke up today which means we now have six long weeks of fun ahead of us (with the odd week of work ;-)) and as you'll know if you've seen a few of my recent posts, we're planning to have as much fun as we can - while spending as little as possible!I'll be posting lots of our ideas on here and on Instagram and Twitter (#SummerofFrugalFun) to help you get through the Summer Holidays without breaking the bank. First up, we have water play which is what we've been up to every night this week to cool down after school.We bought some … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday to us….
I know you all know and you're just not letting on that you know.In a minute I'm going to go on Twitter and you're all going to tweet me at once and say 'Surprise' and 'Happy Bloggaversary' because obviously you all know that today marks four years since I started blogging!Seriously though, I can't believe that I've been blogging for four whole years - the time has just flown by and I've loved every minute (well most of them anyway). made some brilliant friends.As a family blogging had given us some amazing experiences and for me personally, blogging has given me more confidence … [Read more...]
Our Weekend at Thorpe Park….
I'm not sure who was more excited when we were invited to Thorpe Park last weekend - Miss Frugal who heard a rumour that District 3 would be performing, her brother who is suddenly brave enough to go on rides other than the 'baby rides', as he now calls them or their Dad who was dying to go on the biggest rides.We travelled down very early Saturday morning by train (there's a regular shuttle bus to the park from the train station) so we were in the park by lunchtime....One thing we've found difficult in the past when we've been to theme parks is making sure that everyone gets to go on … [Read more...]
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