To me, being frugal is all about the little things.
The little things, like giving up your weekly coffee from Starbucks or your occasional cheeky takeaway might not seem like much when you look at it as a one off. But if you look at it over a longer period then the savings start to mount up! A weekly treat like a coffee from Starbucks when you do your weekly shop adds up to over £150 over the course of a year. Even going without your daily newspaper adds up to savings of almost £175.00 and you don’t even have to miss out as you can get all the news you need online!
So, what I want you to do today is share with us all one thing you’ve done today to save money?
I’ll start….
Today I took my lunch to work which saved me spending £2.50 – not only did it save me money, it looked much more appetising than the meals on offer in the canteen an work! I take my dinner every day (usually leftovers from the night before), so the savings over a year add up to around £600.00 which is massive!
I’ve also made a soup using some carrots, potatoes and onions that were just about to pass their best. We’ll have some for tea tonight and I’ll take some to work with me tomorrow for my lunch and any leftovers will go in the freezer for a lunch next week.
Now it’s your turn, what have you done?