Today, I’m sharing a little CrimpIt review with you all as it’s a little gadget I bought recently and absolutely love.
Does anyone else buy random things after seeing them advertised on Social Media?
I realised a little while ago that I’m like an advertiser’s dream right now as I’ve bought things recently that I may not have even known existed if it hadn’t been for Social Media and its advertising algorithms that somehow know what I want before I even know myself. I started a cheeky little blog post series last year called ‘Social Media made me buy it’ but after a couple of posts, I realised I didn’t buy enough to make it a regular thing and then I kind of forgot all about it for a while with everything that’s been going on. 😂
But this little purchase is worth bringing it back for… Meet The CRIMPiT.
It’s a toastie maker designed for thins rather than full slices of bread which makes your toasties healthier (albeit smaller) as well as super quick and easy to make.
I am a huge fan of sandwich thins and have been since I was following Slimming World and discovered one was a HeB which meant I could have one within my daily allowance – I don’t do Slimming World now though so not sure if that’s still the case but if it is then I promise this is an amazing way to use your HeB.
The calories and nutritional value of one thin are around the same as an average slice of bread except with a thin, it’s in two halves so my brain feels like it’s better value as I can have the top and bottom of a sandwich for the same as just one slice of bread. And yes, I know it’s smaller and I know it’s mostly in my head but I feel like I’m getting more food for my calories which is half the battle when you’re trying to lose weight.
These are the thins that I’ve always used…
So, imagine my excitement when Facebook showed me a little gadget that promised to turn my thins into little parcels of deliciousness that can be filled with pretty much anything. I was impressed enough to watch the video showing me how it works when it first appeared in my Facebook feed but as with most things that I scroll past on there, I was sceptical that it would really work as well as it said it would despite the numerous reviews saying it was a game changer.
Facebook clearly knew that I’d watched the video though and started to bombard me with posts about the CrimpIt to the point where I think I saw it around four or five times in a week on Facebook which is a lot considering I’m not on there an awful lot these days.
Then they upped their game and it started showing up in my Tik Tok feed before finally making a guest appearance on Instagram.
At this point, my willpower was defeated and I gave in.
I looked on the CRIMPiT website and found that there was a £1.99 postage fee to pay on top of the £12.99 price and could see from the comments that people had left that delivery was quite slow so I hopped over to Amazon and found it on there with next day delivery for £14.99 which worked out to be the same price but with next day delivery. I also had a £10 credit on my Amazon account which made it even cheaper for me.
Here’s the link to it on Amazon – CRIMPiT (aff)
And here’s the link to buy it on their website – CRIMPiT
I was more excited than I should have been when my CRIMPiT arrived bright and early the day after I ordered it and decided that 7.45 am was an absolutely OK time to make a ham and cheese toastie. 😂
They’re super easy to make as you can see from the below pictures – just put the base of your thin onto the CRIMPiT, add your fillings and then pop the top of the thin on. Then you can seal it by placing the top of the CRIMPiT on and squishing it as hard as you can.
(In case you’re wondering – the little Lurpak tubs were leftover from when I went out for breakfast a couple of days beforehand – I’m not fancy enough to buy the little mini tubs 😂)
I’ve read some reviews that say to seal the edge of the thin with a little water to help it stick but I’ve had no problem at all with it sealing since I’ve been using it. It seals the sandwich together really well in my experience.
I removed it from the CRIMPiT mould and put it in the toaster on my usual setting and a couple of minutes later. up popped this!
It looked amazing and definitely tasted like a toastie – some reviews recommend popping it in the microwave for 5-10 seconds if you want the cheese to be a bit more melted but I like it as it comes which is melted but not too melted if that makes sense.
If you’re nervous about making your CrimpIt toastie it in the toaster in case the fillings leak out then you can use your Airfry to cook it or you could but some toastie bags to pop it in before you put it in the toaster. These ones (aff) are a pound for two bags on Amazon and you can use each one up to fifty times so they’re a good option if you’d rather be on the safe side – I’ve never had a problem myself though as I just use my Airfryer if I overfill or the fillings are particularly melty.
I’ve made a few so far and you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve been much more adventurous after my first experiment with plain old ham and cheese. I’ll be honest, I bought this before my little blogging break though so I don’t have photos of all of the fillings I’ve tried. I did use it a lot while I was poorly though as it’s just so easy to use and makes whatever I have in my fridge taste like something that I’ve made an effort with if that makes sense.
- Peanut butter and banana
- Beans and cheese
- Leftover chilli with some cheese sprinkled on
- Feta cheese with sun-dried tomatoes
- Lemon curd
- Chopped up leftover potatoes with some corned beef
- Tuna and cheese
- Quorn mince cooked in taco seasoning with rice (the Quorn tacos are Master Frugal’s speciality dish, I used his leftovers for lunch in one the next day)
I also like just plain cheese with tomato soup.
So, if you asked me if the CrimpIt was worth the money I paid, I would say it absolutely was!
If you do get one then definitely join the Facebook group that I joined when I bought mine as there are some absolute CrimpIt fanatics in there who share ideas for fillings that would never even cross my mind. I would never have thought to cook it like it was eggy bread for example but I saw a cheese and bacon version cooked in a pan after being dipped in egg rather than being cooked in the toaster and that looked AMAZING. I also would have never thought to batch-make them and freeze them for lunches through the week and I’d definitely not have realised you could use pastry and bake them in the oven like little pasties if I’d not joined so I recommend that group as much as I recommend the CrimpIt itself. 😂
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Social Media Marketing is something that has always made me to so many things randomly from social media. Digital Marketers are very smart they know very well how to convince people lol
I love my Crimpit. It definitely earns its keep! xx