It’s not long before the sun starts to shine on us a little more and we start unpacking the shorts and sandals that haven’t seen the light of day since last Summer and I don’t know about you, but my feet definitely aren’t sandal ready just yet so I’m starting my ‘get sandal ready routine’ right now!
Before we start, I promise there aren’t going to be any horrible pictures of feet in this post! I’m going to tell you the four steps I follow to make sure I have sandal ready feet in time for Summer but without sharing any awful foot photos because let’s face it, no one needs that!
Did you know that the skin on your feet was up to ten times thicker than the skin anywhere else on your body so needs some extra attention if you want it to be soft and smooth? So here’s my four steps to making your feet as pretty as the sandals you want to wear this Summer!
Invest in a good Foot Peel Mask (every two-three months)
The first thing to do is to get rid of as much dead and hard skin and if you only do one thing, then a good foot peel mask should be that one thing! It’s going to make a huge difference with hardly any effort from you which is a win, win if you ask me.
I’ve tried a few foot peel masks over the years but never found one that makes a difference like the Plantifique Foot Peel Mask which is honestly a game-changer when it comes to getting rid of all the dead, hard skin on your feet. I don’t know how it does what it does but the first time I used it, I was torn between horror and amazement at the way my skin literally peeled off my feet in layers leaving fresh soft skin underneath.
The best way to use this foot peel mask is to soak your feet first (after the first time, I just do it after a bath rather than spend time soaking my feet properly) and then pop the lotion filled socks on your feet for 90 minutes. Around a week later, the skin on my feet starts to get super dry and flake off in such a way that I genuinely have to wear socks constantly for a good three days as the skin just keeps on peeling.
There are loads of pictures in the reviews section of the Amazon page for this product if you want to have a look but honestly, I would just have a go yourself and experience it yourself. If you do, your feet should be soft and lovely by the time it’s finished working its magic.
This is the best foot peel mask that I’ve ever come across and I’ve actually just ordered a twin pack on Amazon Prime to arrive tomorrow for Miss Frugal which is what prompted me to start writing this post.
Treat your feet to a regular soak (weekly)
I work from home most days so I can easily soak my feet while I’m getting on with my usual day so once a week, I’ll half fill a washing up bowl with hot water (not boiling hot but hotter than just warm if that makes sense) and add in a couple of drops of either tea tree or peppermint essential oils. I usually just leave my feet soaking until the water is cool and then I dry them off and move on to moisturising them.
Regular moisturising is essential (weekly)
After I’ve soaked my feet, I use whatever body moisturiser I have to hand and rub loads into my feet. I don’t rub it all in fully and just put on my reusable moisture socks and leave them on while the lotion soaks takes its time to soak in. This is the one that I’m using currently…
Make them look pretty (weekly)
A fresh coat of nail polish is the finishing touch to your sandal ready feet, especially if you choose a bright Summery colour. I actually started to get gel polish on my toes last year and get them repainted every six weeks or so now which means I don’t have to worry about keeping on top of painting them myself. If you do go with just painting them yourself then make sure you reapply weekly so you don’t end up with chipped nail polish or some nails with no polish on.
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