Both of my children have beautiful red hair....They've always loved the colour of their hair and to my knowledge, until this week nothing negative has ever really been said to them about their hair colour. Just the opposite in fact, they often get stopped by people who tell them how lovely it is.We've had a few incidents like this and this - but I don't really think they're the same as they weren't outright nasty comments made to their faces like we've experienced this week.I took them into town as I had a problem with my mobile phone and had to spend over an hour in the shop … [Read more...]
What’s wrong with being Ginger Mummy…
As I'm sure regular readers will know, my children have beautiful ginger hair (or at least I think it's beautiful).I love their hair colour and until yesterday they'd never experienced anything other than positive comments about their hair colour but last night when I took them shopping a little boy pointed at us and said 'Look at that ginger family Dad' and laughed. He didn't say it in a mean way that was particularly upsetting or anything, it's just that it's made them question why he pointed out that we were ginger. After all, we didn't feel the need to point at his family and say … [Read more...]
The Gallery – Ginger….
When I saw this weeks theme for the Gallery was colour, I thought of this picture straight away, even though I may have shared it with you before at some point in the past. My children often tell me that they love having ginger hair, they love that people come up to us in the street and tell them what beautiful hair they have and they love that not many other people in school have the same colour hair as them. At this point I could get on my soap box and tell you that I've come across some ridiculously titled facebook groups lately, the most recent of which being 'Always be yourself (unless … [Read more...]