We all know how important it is to teach our children how to recycle but if yours are anything like mine, they like to learn in a fun way that they can understand – which is why I love the new Coca Cola Recyclometer tool.
We’ve been using it for the last few weeks now and it’s been excellent for showing the children (and me) just how big an impact the small action of recycling something can have which in turn has made them much more enthusastic about recycling.
We have a recycling bin in the kitchen that we put our recycling in and when that gets full we move the rubbish outside where we have a box for glass and cans, a bag for paper and another bag for card and plastic. Before we transfer it to the outside containers, I get the kids to select the items that we’re recycling from the list on the Recyclometer and it tells us what the energy we’ve saved can power.
Try for yourself here.
Disclosure – Coca Cola did not pay me for this post although I did help test the Recyclometer before the tool went live. There was no obligation to post about the Recyclometer involved but I genuinely think this is something that will encourage all of our children to recycle which is why I chose to share it with you 😉