You know when you read something that makes you happy and you can’t help but make a little squealy sound?
Well on Thursday, I was on the way home from work on a busy train when my phone bleeped to tell me I’d been mentioned in a tweet. The tweet in question was from @MadBlogAwards to tell me I was one of the finalists in the Best Thrifty Blog category!
Obviously, I was excited to realise that my lovely blog readers had been voting for me and that I was in the final five and I *may* have made a little snorty noise followed by a not so quiet squeal. The older gentleman (a dead ringer for Santa) sat next to me decided that he didn’t wish to sit next to someone making strange noises and moved seats to the other end of the carriage and the rather posh looking ladies with the designer handbag would have definitely given me a funny look if she hadn’t been botoxed up to her eyeballs. As it was she managed a little shake of her head and went back to texting (probably about the freak on the train).
Anyway, my point is that I was really excited to be nominated for the award, even more so because I know that it was voted for by you lovely, lovely people and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for me.
I love that the brilliant Becky from Baby Budgeting has been nominated too (that’s who I voted for in the first round of voting) and one of my favourite frugal blogs Frugal in Cornwall is also up there with us. These are two blogs that I regularly read for frugal inspiration and I’m really proud to be in the same category as them. The other blogs nominated are Lulastic and Mortgage free in three – both new blogs to my Google Reader but I’m looking forward to getting to know them
If you have a spare minute, I’d love you to vote for me to win The Best Thrifty Blog category in the final round of voting – it only takes a minute and you don’t have to vote in all categories if you don’t want to. You can vote here
Thanks again x x
MumReinvented · 671 weeks ago
Cass@FrugalFamily 96p · 669 weeks ago