“Hi, my name is Cass and I am creatively challenged”
Surely, I’m not the only mum in the world who is not very good at crafts, I make the effort and we actually do quite a lot of crafty things but not many of them turn out like they were supposed to. My favourite crafts are the ones that take hardly any preparation and as little mess as possible so I thought I would start a Quick Craft Club to share my mess free easy kids crafts with you each week. If you’ve got any ideas or would like me to feature you in the next Quick Craft Club then leave a link to your post in the comments here….
Our first quick craft club activity is a Family Tree:
You need:
Photos or colouring pens/pencils
We used some black paper to cut out a tree trunk and loads of wavy branches and Miss Frugal arranged them in the shape of something close to resembling a tree.
Next we cut out leaf shapes and Miss Frugal wrote the names of everyone in our family on a leaf and drew a picture of them – we considered using photos but as it would have meant cutting up some favourites we stuck to drawing.
When all the leaves were done, she glued them on to the tree branches and then disaster struck – she realised that she hadn’t made a leaf for herself and we’d used the last of the green paper, which is why our tree has a Christmas bauble hanging from it. She decided if she couldn’t be a leaf she wanted to be a cherry but it ended up looking more like a bauble.
So there you have it, the first Quick Crafts Club post. You could spend a lot longer on this and make it look much more craftificated (my new word) or you can just have fun making it like we did ;-D
Don’t forget to let me know if you have anything I could include….
nice one well done
Love the club idea. Will be checking in weekly!
Brilliant – see you soon x x
Great crafty idea. I'm fine at knitting and sewing but kiddy crafts just do me in – I'm hopeless. I don't think I have enough imagination!
I would love to be able to knit – I'll swap you lol
This looks like just the kind of thing me and my kids would enjoy!
Hope you had fun if you tried it x x
This is just up my street. I've been trying to be a bit more crafty. If I have any inspiration I'll let you know.
I'm looking forward to seeing your crafty work 😉