It’s been a while since I’ve actually gotten around to sharing my monthly goals on here – mainly because I felt like I was never actually managing to achieve a lot of the things I’d set for myself but I’m ready to give it another go…
I feel like my life’s been a bit chaotic recently and because of my lack of organisation it’s felt a bit out of control at times which I know may sound ridiculous to some people but I like to have a plan. I like to have a plan and an accompanying list (;-)) and in the past, I’ve found it really helpful to share my monthly goals list on here so even though we’re a couple of days into the month, I thought I’d share this month’s goals with you…
Some are things I know I need to do and some are things that I know will be a push (8K steps a day, I’m looking at you) but all are things I’d like to achieve in May.
Lose 10lbs / Average 8k steps a day / Drink 2 litres of water a day
These three speak for themselves really. I want to be healthier and that means losing weight, exercising more and drinking more water so these three are top of my list for May. The steps target is a huge stretch as I really struggle with this during the week with a 45 minute each way commute where I’m sat in my car and an office job that isn’t really conducive to step challenges.
I should point out that I don’t want to lose weight because I feel like I should or because I’m not happy as I am, I want to lose weight because I want to be as healthy as I can. I know there’s lots of online debate recently about body confidence and I don’t want to take away from that – if you’re happy then you’re happy and you shouldn’t feel pressure to change.
Stick to our meal plan every day
Another no-brainer really – the weeks where I stick to our meal plan are weeks where I spend less money and almost as important these days, less time! I try to plan meals now that I can get someone else to help out with the cooking so our meal plans quite often feel quite same old same old for that reason which makes it hard to stick to sometimes.
Paint the walls / Declutter in the kitchen / Plant some more veggies in the garden
Painting the bedroom has been on my radar for a good year now and I’ve never actually got around to doing it but the ugly plum ‘feature wall’ is really annoying me now so I’m going to see if I can get it done this month.
The decluttering is because I badly need less stuff and more space in the kitchen and the planting has been on my mind for a while but I wanted to get to the right time of year.
Pay extra on the mortgage / Beat our car and home insurance renewal quotes
I already pay extra on our mortgage each month but I’d like to pay a bit more this month as I did miss a few months earlier this year after some unexpected bills and a depleted emergency fund.
I’m also wanting to find the prices possible for our renewal quotes and I’ll try and use cashback sites at the same time to save even more. These are two policies that we pay in full annually for rather than monthly so I really want to get them down as low as possible.
Book New York for Christmas
I know. I shouldn’t but I really really love New York and to see it at Christmas would be a dream.
As well as ticking off all my goals this month, I’d also love to help you achieve your goals for May so to help, I’ve made a little goals tracker that you might find useful…
Either print it off and stick it on your fridge or take a screenshot and use it in your Instagram stories – give me a tag (@frugalfamily) as I’d love to see your goals.
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That's my goal for May loose some weight and drink more water! I drink far too much fizzy pop
Katie xx