You all know that I love a good pre-loved bargain, whether it’s from a charity shop, the car boot sale or even from somewhere online and this is the return of my monthly post to share some of my bargains with you!
This always used to be my favourite post to write each month and even though it’s been a while since I’ve actually shared any of my bargains, I’ve still been enjoying my regular mooch around the charity shops in my area and picking up bargains when I see them.
Where I live now, I’m a five minute walk from the village high street where there are four charity shops so I’m in my element on a Saturday morning when I have a little wander down to see what bargains there are. I have a good look around, pop into the butchers and the bakers for what I need and then head home. I look forward to my Saturday morning all week.
I’ve got some interesting bargains to share with you again this month so bear with me…
First up, we have a new tap which was given to us by family who had just replaced their tap with one of those with a pull out hose thing. The tap they gave us had only been fitted for a couple of months before they decided they should have gone for the fancier one originally. They bought theirs and when I admired it and pointed out to my partner that we could do with a new one (hoping for a fancy one like theirs) they said they had just put their old one in the garage as it was too good to get rid of and that we could have it if we wanted it.
It’s then been sat in our shed for a couple of months as we’ve had so much on that we’ve not had time (or energy) to fit it but then last weekend, ours started to drip so fitting the new tap moved up our list of priorities. It wasn’t the easiest as we needed new hoses but we got them from Screwfix for under a fiver so a couple of hours later and we have a shiny new tap which I love.
My next one is a fun one! We bought a football table from one of the charity shops in our village for the bargain price of a fiver which we were super happy with! Between us, we have a 21 year old, a 19 year old, an 11 year old and a just about to turn six year old which means that we need to find activities that they’ll all enjoy playing together. This is definitely one of those things!
Honestly, we’ve had so much fun in the last couple of weeks with this as all of the kids love it, as do we when they’re not here. It’s so important for us that we have a home where all of our children know they’re welcome and where they feel happy and safe. What is really our dining room now has a dart board on the wall, a football table and a unit that is home to a mini pool table and other fun things that we know they will all enjoy.
My Fitbit broke this week which made me sad as I’ve been really trying hard lately to focus on my fitness and my Fitbit has been key to that. It’s a whole other post about why it’s key for me to get moving more and do what I can to lose some weight but it’s safe to say that when I realised my FitBit had gone to heaven, I was gutted.
I am extremely lucky though as my partner was searching for a new one for me within five minutes of mine breaking and within an hour we were on our way to collect one that he’d found on FB marketplace. It’s exactly the same as the one that I had before but a silver one rather than a black watch face which I love.
It cost £50 which is about half of what a new one would cost and it’s in immaculate condition as the lady that was selling it had bought it but didn’t like it so had bought an Apple Watch after trying it out for a couple of months. She had the receipt from eight months ago but says she only wore it for about two months of that and it’s been sitting in her drawer since – I believe her as it’s in such good condition.
This next one, you might have seen in my Five Frugal things post on Sunday where I shared a bit about my frugal table makeover and my plans for our garden at some point but I wanted to share my garden chairs bargain! Once I’d done my table, I realised that we only had two chairs to go around it and with four kids between us, we needed more.
I looked on FB Marketplace and by some miracle I found a set of four chairs identical to the two we had that had just been listed.
They cost us £20 for the four of them and although they don’t look very fancy, they do the job and give us what we need for now. They also fold and are super light so we’ll be able to pop them in the back of the car when we go to the stock car races near us.
My last bargain this month is a Cath Kidston bag which I bought at the car boot sale last weekend for £1.50.
It’s in great quality and is a really good size so I think I’ll get a lot of wear out of it. I won’t lie, I was initially planning on selling it on Vinted as I know Cath Kidston is a popular brand but after having a look, I don’t think I’ll get too much for it so I would rather just keep it for myself
If you’ve been here a while then the chances are that you’ll already know I’m a huge Vinted fan and that there’s usually not a monthly pre-loved post that goes by without me sharing at least one Vinted bargain. I haven’t bought too much on there lately as I’m feeling a bit out of sorts with myself and not really happy with the way I look in my clothes at the moment. I did buy a lovely dress for £3 which is already a wardrobe staple for me but that’s about it for me this last month.
If you want to find out more about how to find bargains on there yourself then this how to buy on Vinted post is perfect for you – it’s the perfect place to start if you want to start finding some pre-loved bargains of your own.
Also, I know that money is tight for many of us right now so I did just want to say that usually when I buy anything pre-loved, I try and only use money that I’ve made from things that I’ve sold on Vinted so I rarely pay actual money for anything you see that I’ve bought from there. Here’s a post about how much I made in a weekend selling on Vinted a little while ago to give you an idea!
So that’s what I’ve bought pre-loved this month. I’d love to see your bargains so feel free to tag me in any Instagram posts and I’ll pop over and see what you’ve been buying!
And don’t forget, you might like to read my post sharing all my top tips for getting a bargain buying clothes in a charity shop here and if you can’t get out to wander around your local charity shops then have a look at my favourite online charity shops!
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Mapquest Directions · 28 weeks ago