As soon as the sun is shining my children want to be outside – whether it’s playing out with their friends, riding their bikes or scooters up and down the street or doing something as a family. I think it’s really important to encourage this as it’s not only good for them to be playing outside in the fresh air, it encourages their independence, keeps them active and provides me with some much needed peace and quiet!
Apparently not all families feel the same though according to new research from Persil Small and Mighty. Among other things, their research found that only 14% of children under ten play sports and just one in ten regularly rides a bike. This knowledge has prompted them to team up with the adventurer Bear Grylls to inspire families to shake off the constraints of modern life and remember some simple outdoor pleasures.
Bear said: “It’s important to teach kids to enjoy some free and simple outdoor adventures. Soggy wellies, grassy knees and muddy hands should be part of growing up. Whether it’s using their imagination to play games outside or learning a new skill like building a den, I want more kids to enjoy outside activities and experience a bit of adventure!”
I couldn’t agree more (and not just because I’m a little in love with Bear) and we’re going to actively take part in the ten things to do before your ten campaign by doing everything on this list over the next few weeks.
Bear Grylls’ Top Ten Things To Do Before You’re Ten
- Perfect the perfect hill roll
- Become a hide-and-seek champion
- Go sledging- on sand
- Build a den- indoors or out
- Build a rope swing
- Nurse that sting
- Try and count the stars
- Make a mud pie
- Make a compass
- Pick your own pudding

Persil have invited us along to the day and Master Frugal has barely slept since I told him – I think he thinks that he’s going to be wrestling snakes and crocodiles with Bear all day. Miss Frugal is almost as excited but I think the show we watched the other night where Bear drank his own wee has put her off just a teeny bit!
We’re trying out the hill roll first 😉
What do you think – is Bear’s list a good one? What would you add to it?