Let me introduce us all…. I am 31 years old and I work in the complaints department of a large bank so you can imagine how much fun my job is! Mr Frugal is 35 and works for a large supermarket chain. We have had our ups and downs (who hasn’t) but on the whole we are happily married.
Mr Frugal and I have two children, Miss Frugal is 6 and Master Frugal is 4. From September they will both be at school full time and I cant wait…. Not because I want my babies to grow up but because it will save me a fortune on child care!
The frugal kids cost a fortune each week, football coaching – £3.00 each; Rainbows – £1.00; dance class – £3.00; Swimming – £7.00 (family session)…. That’s without the rest of the activities that they want to try. I know that we need to cut back but I really don’t want to stop the kids from doing their activities so we need to find ways to reduce our outgoings and increase our income.
Easier said than done, I know. I do have loads of ideas on frugal living but I need to get my backside into gear and turn us into the perfect frugal family.
If you decide to follow my journey, I hope that you have fun and learn something along the way. Please feel free to comment and share any ideas that you have with me.