Today was a proud day in our house.
It was the day that Miss Frugal was finally awarded ‘Official Helper’ status. She gets a shiny green badge of her own to wear on her school jumper and she is so proud of the fact that she’s been given this badge that I’m sure she’ll be wearing it with pride every day.
She’s been after one of these coveted badges for ages but all the important jobs were taken so she had to wait for an opening and today, one of the other girls was controversially sacked from her job so a vacancy became unexpectedly available.
There was much arguing at school over who would fill the position and after everyone put their case forward, Miss Frugal was chosen above the others and was awarded the job and the badge that came with it.
It was only after she sat and proudly explained how she came to get the job and how pleased she was with it that I thought to ask what the job she had been given actually was.
Are you ready for this?
She’s an offical ‘tray scraper’ helper in the dinner hall!!!!
I’m so proud.
perfect opportunity for help after mealtimes…let her have plenty of 'practise' 😉 tee hee
Congratulations!! Get the Job done and be the best!
Aaaaah, bless her little cotton socks :o)