OK, I know I have a meal planning blog that I should be sharing this on but honestly, it’s very neglected and needs a bit of TLC so I thought I’d share this week’s meal plan with you on here for a change.
I’m keeping an even closer eye than usual on budgets at the moment as we’re obviously approaching the most expensive time of the year so I want to save money wherever I can and I know that our food budget is one of the easiest ways to shave some money off my spending!
Monday – Instant Pot Chicken and Rice
Honestly can’t beat Instant Pot chicken and rice for a quick, easy, and filling meal. I have frozen chopped onions and chicken in the freezer and paella rice in the cupboard along with all the spices I need to make a nice meal without needing to buy anything to add to it although if I do see a green pepper when I’m shopping then I might add it to my trolley.
Tuesday – Tacos
I’ve got some Quorn mince in long with everything else I need to make tacos so this should be an easy one to make with nothing needed from the shop unless I decide to buy an avocado to make some guacamole which I probably will as you can’t beat homemade guacamole.
Wednesday – Yorkshire Pudding wraps
I bought some cheats Yorkshire Pudding wraps for an easy tea and was planning to use them for a quick leftovers tea but I think I’ll just fill them with some shredded chicken, broccoli, and maybe just do a little bit of mash too.
Thursday – Fajita Chicken
I absolutely love fajita chicken done in the air fryer as it’s the simplest meal ever and just tastes amazing! It’s literally a pop it all in and switch it on meal and then I just transfer it into a big bowl and the kids help themselves!
Friday – One Pot Chicken Cous Cous
This is another super easy-to-make meal – I just cook some chicken, onions along with anything else I have in the fridge that needs using up. I along with some spices and then add some couscous and stock to the pan and
Saturday – Homemade burgers with sweet potato wedges
I’m on the fence about this one as I don’t have burger mince or the sweet potatoes so if I manage to get any bargains this week then I’ll bump this one and move the other meals around a bit. Even if I don’t then I might replace this one anyway with something else – maybe another meat-free option.
Sunday – Sausage and Stuffing Toad in the Hole
This is going to be a bit of an experiment so I’ll let you know how I get on! Again, this is a meal that I can push out of I get some bargains as the sausages are from the freezer and the stuffing is from a packet!
So that’s our week’s meals all planned out, let’s just see if I can stick to it.
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kimmer2111 93p · 176 weeks ago