In an effort to be even more of a perfect Domestic Goddess, I have just made my own tomato sauce, from scratch, without any help, on my own!
It’s super easy and cheap!
I’m not good with technical terms but I just put some chopped onions and chopped garlic in a pan with a big glug of olive oil and cooked them until the onions were soft. I admit that I had some help with the stirring:
Next comes the tomato bit, but seeing as Master Frugal doesn’t like tomatoes he left this bit to his big sister. She added two tins of chopped tomatoes to the mixture and poured sprinkled in some basil:
Then we just left it to bubble away nicely for about five or ten minutes and Voila – a tasty tomato sauce to rival any that Dolmio can make 😉
We used tinned tomatoes with chilli for a bit of exta je na sais quoi (!) but you could use plain ones or any of the other variations you can buy these days. I suppose you could add allsorts to this, tuna, chicken, extra veg and anything else you could think of.
I’m going to pop this in the freezer for a chicken pasta bake one night this week!