I’ve started this post about twenty times already this morning and this time, no matter what words end up on my screen, I’m not going to delete them. Maybe.
So I know that I’ve been the worst blogger in the world these last couple of years and I understand that there’ll be very few people still here reading my posts but for those of you who are still here, I just wanted to update you very quickly on where I’m at and what my plans are going forward.
I’m not going to go into much detail as I don’t think this is the place to do that but the end result is that I’m now separated and there’s just me and Master Frugal living at home. Please don’t be sad for me though, it was absolutely the right decision and I’ve left it long enough before telling you guys that it’s now my normal and I’m happy and enjoying my life.
That’s all I’m going to say on this other than to just quickly tell you that Miss Frugal is doing amazing in her little flat. I didn’t want you to think that because she wasn’t living here that there was any family drama as there’s really not.
What this all does mean though is that I’m having to learn to live on just one income at the moment which hasn’t been easy and although money was something I considered when making the decision, I decided in the end that I would just have to make it work and that’s what I’ve been doing.
I’ve gone back to basics with money-saving and frugality which is something that I imagine lots of us have done thanks to the current spiralling costs of living and I’ve got so many ideas for posts to share with you about what I’ve done so far and what I plan to do that I feel enthusiastic about blogging again and I’m super hopeful that I’ll start enjoying blogging again.
I’ve got new recipes, lots of tips and more importantly for me, I feel like I can share more of myself and my life again because you all know where I’m at. This more than anything makes me happy as I’ve missed it so much.
That’s pretty much it for today!
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter…
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Tracy · 142 weeks ago
Lilian · 142 weeks ago
Joelle · 142 weeks ago
Tessie · 142 weeks ago
Tara · 142 weeks ago
All the best x
Helen · 142 weeks ago
Gemma · 142 weeks ago
Marie · 141 weeks ago
Jane · 141 weeks ago